Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Use the Good China!

Getting ready for Christmas took a big turn this year. Just as we were settling into our new normal in our home we learned my husbands brother had passed away. Immediately without warning our plans changed. A funeral of a loved one anytime of year is difficult; this time of year it just stinks. 
I can't seem to come up with the right words to deal with this one. Overwhelming sadness for those left behind seems to be the only thing that comes to mind. Family members cling together, creating new bonds of love...there isn't much more we can do. 
This Holiday season hold your loved ones a little closer.The death of my brother-in-law is a reminder that life is short and incredibly fragile. It is a reminder that we never know when our time is up. It is also a reminder to use the good china. Keep the pretty things front and center in your life; don't tuck them away for that special day. That day is today; each day is a gift! 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Baby, it's COLD outside!

Every year we know it is coming. Every year we complain about it. Every year it stings our nose as we walk out in it. Every year we say we will go south when we are old. Every year I mean it more.

The very cold weather is parked over our area for the next 7 to 10 days. I am not excited about this; but it is what it is; so we will need to make the best of it. It is time to crack out the hot chocolate and pull out the board games. They say there is a silver lining in almost everything. In this situation it can be the memories made playing a family game. A few years ago I discovered you can play pinochle online; free. Another way to spend a cold evening in. Growing up family games got us through quite a few blizzards on the farm; those family memories include some heated games of ping pong and Monopoly.

Instead of complaining about the cold let's make a new memory; bundle up and learn to cross country ski or be creative inside. We choose to live in this climate probably because our ancestors did. Let's make the most of it. Make a memory today!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

November 30th

The sun comes up with promise for a great new day. It's the last day of November in 2013. The chill in the air reminds us that winter looms with the flip of the calendar. Thanksgiving is tucked away for another year. Christmas shoppers hit the stores for big Black Friday specials. Today though is for the small businesses. This is the day filled with hope for the small retailers in our communities.

The small business people unlock their doors everyday not sure how many people will walk through their door. Their businesses are not advertised with fancy full color flyers in the local Sunday paper. They probably have bought a few ads on the affordable local radio station inviting the community to shop their store. Many will wonder if this Christmas season will keep them going for another year. But most small business offer something the big box stores never can. A feeling of home that is difficult to explain.

Here's an example; the local hardware store in our town still has the hardwood floors that have welcomed the people of this community for many years. Behind the counter you will find friendly faces and a few people that are ready to find just the right bolt or paint or whatever gadget you might need. Even though I did not grow up here, it feels the same as the old Brandt grocery store once felt some 40 years ago. It reminds me of Kenny standing behind the counter ready to weigh the ground beef or ring up the cracker jacks that you chose for your treat for the week. By the way those cracker jacks were a dime. It also reminds me of a wonderful little jewelry and gift store in downtown Eau Claire. For 25 years Jane has made Christmas shopping easy with the great selection of hard to find unique jewelry. There are stores like this all of the country.

For a baby boomer there is something about that local feel that is comfortable. Something that is worth the little extra you might pay for having the local store around the corner. I am not sure where local business Saturday came from but I think it is something we need to embrace. These local retailers deserve our support. We don't want them to go away...ever. They have supported our local kids; they have had the gallon of milk we needed quickly and they have offered a gift unique for just about any occasion.

Shop local today. Your local businesses deserve it!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

The Holiday Rush is ON!

This morning I thought about writing about the holiday madness, the shopping frenzy; even the crazy people that waste their time fight crowds for the best deals on Thanksgiving and Black Friday. But why focus on that; let's talk about the events of the holidays that are memory makers.

There are so many events in every community that can put a smile on your face and give you the opportunity to enjoy the season. It starts with Thanksgiving Day; many communities serve meals to the needy. Then from Rockefeller Center to Robbinsdale Minnesota cities host sing along activities and entertainment with a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony. I am pretty sure you can find a local Church that puts together a little Christmas program where you can see the local children put smiles on the faces of their parents. Jingle Bell runs for charity are popular and of course the opportunity to give to a needy family is available through your workplace or church.

This is the season of love and kindness, let's remember that as we fight for the "good" parking spot or as we get annoyed by long lines. Take sometime to make a few other folks load a bit lighter; make this a holiday season to remember, not because you got a great deal, but because you made someone's day.

Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

10 Things I Learned While Living in Wisconsin

10. You can wear purple in the land of green and gold.
9. Beer is acceptable at any occasion
8. "On Wisconsin" is a catchy tune!
7. The rolling hills and streams are beautiful- there are 26,000 miles of rivers and streams
6. A small college in Eau Claire Wisconsin makes incredible Jazz Music
5. Kubb is a real sport, and curling club is like bowling in the summer
4. To ride motorcycle safely
3. Some of my best friends live in Wisconsin
2. Madison is one of the greatest Capital cities in the country
1. Cheese Curds are a food group and are best when squeaky!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Packing Up

For over 5 years we have made our house into a lovely home that seemed just right for us. We moved in and got busy making memories. We hosted several parties by the pool for family and friends. Our home welcomed International Students from the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. In the dining room we learned more about China, Malaysia, Mexico, Great Britain, Austria and Germany. Our beautiful children and grandchildren laid their heads to sleep in the bedrooms and got up ready to jump in the pool on summer mornings during Camp Grandma. We held a few card parties for friends from Wisconsin and enjoyed some great laughs when family came to visit. There was a cookie bake or two, a neighborhood Christmas party and trick or treat kids galore.
It is bitter sweet to leave this house. We are anxious to start our new chapter in life in Mark's childhood home. But when we seal the tape on the final box and walk out the door we will leave behind wonderful stories from these walls along with a little piece of our hearts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thanks For Paving the Way

The coffee ran out at an early morning training session I attended yesterday. When they finally brought a new pot no one got up to freshen their cup; though many had gone to the empty pot to try to refill. I finally decided I really needed another cup. When I was returning to my seat several other people got up to fill theirs. One woman whispered to me "Thanks for paving the way". Really, I that wasn't my intention, I just really needed another cup of coffee.
But this got me to thinking about the people who have paved the way for us in life. From Joan of Arc who was a fierce fighter centuries ago to women who fought to allow women to vote and Sally Ride the first American woman in space. The contributions these women made shape our world today.
There is a group of women in Saudi Arabia today that are fighting for the right to allow women to drive in that country. This fight is not new; in 1991 the activists began driving in protest. Some were arrested, some have had their lives destroyed because of their fight. It is hard to believe in our modern society people (women) have to fight for this simple right.
I believe someday they will win this battle; but for now I am glad they are paving the way for generations to come. I will forever be grateful for the women who marched for the right to vote. It is hard to believe people don't take advantage of this privilege when others fought so hard to make it happen! I am glad they paved the way.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Hump Day

The rock hit of the early 80's by Loverboy had us all working for the weekend. For 30 years the anthem has reminded us we have to get through the week to get to the fun times; the weekends. A popular television commercial today has a camel walking around the office asking what day it is; Hump Day! Wednesday means we are almost over the hump to the weekend. It is interesting how your prospective changes over the years.

I still look forward to the weekends, who doesn't; of course unless you work on the weekends. But for many of us, the weekends are the time we can kick back, listen to some sweet jazz music and drink coffee until ten in the morning if we wish. Okay, that is what I look forward to on the weekends. I guess it is a sign of aging when we anticipate the weekend ahead and it involves morning coffee drinking instead of late night clubbing.

Very early this morning I was texting with one of our daughters have a nice conversation; I viewed the precious smile of one of our granddaughters on Facebook and I looked at the schedule for the day to see what was ahead. Tonight I will have dinner with another of our daughters. There is so much good in each and every day; sometimes it is easy to find and sometimes we have to dig a bit deeper to find it. Simple pleasures come every day. Enjoy them no matter the day of the week.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Joy Johnson

I didn't know Joy Johnson, but I wish I would have trotted a few steps with her. Today's Star Tribune features a front page story about Joy. She is the 86 year old marathon runner who passed this week after the New York City Marathon. She started running in her mid 50's; which is unusual but not unheard of; the stunner is that she ran her last marathon on Monday at age 86. She had recently talked of cutting back to half marathons! The story tells of her passion, joy and great smile in life.
This morning I pushed myself through a particularly difficult workout. My negative Nelly mindset got a hold of me as I looked around the gym and realized I was the oldest person there, probably by a good 10 years. I wondered why do I do this? It is early and fighting an aging body is a constant battle; the pounds appear and seem to be more stubborn than ever about going away. After the workout I grabbed the paper and found Joy. She inspired me that I am not too old. I am now the age she probably was when she started running. She can be an inspiration to many of us. My excuse of being too old doesn't wash with her.
Guess I will continue to lace up the running shoes and keep pushing through. If I could have run a few steps with Joy I would tell her thanks. Thanks for being an inspiration; she told others running made her feel good about life. We should all be so lucky to find something that makes us feel good about life.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Camp Grandma

Last weekend I had the opportunity to spend a few hours with one of my granddaughters. I don't see her very often but was ecstatic when she asked me if I was having Camp Grandma next year. She was already planning her attendance and ensuring that her sister would be there with her.
Last summer was her first Camp and she was more than a little nervous about spending time without her Mom and Dad, in a state that was far away, with a Grandma she hardly knew. She shed a few tears but was a trooper and enjoyed the time as much as the other kids. As a matter of fact I overheard her directing the other grand kids at one point. Now she is talking about next summer!
My goal is to make memories for my grand kids they will never forget. My grandmother and my mother in law were the inspiration for this. More on these two ladies in the next few days.
Hug your kids and grand kids today. Those memories will last a lifetime!

Friday, October 25, 2013

Late October

It is late in the month, snow is looming, the holidays are right there behind. This morning I enjoyed my cup of hot java with my dog at my feet. I was reminded of how much I love this routine. We are in the middle of relocating; this daily comfort is not available during this process. One forgets the simple pleasures that make this life simply lovely when you are stressed, unsure of what the day will bring and a bit edgy. No matter the situation we are in; we need to remember the sun came up; even if it might be hiding behind the clouds.

Enjoy this day in late October.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Go to the Head of the Class

Getting the TSA prescreen rocks! Apparently if mind your P's and Q's, you get a go to the head of the class when traveling! Since I have successfully put all items 3 ounces or less in plastic bags, removed my shoes and belt, along with successfully passing the wand test on previous visits through TSA screenings, I am no longer subject to the tedious long lines at the airport!

A few things here, you still might need to remove your belt and shoes. Who remembers the game "Go to the Head of the Class"? And really what does minding your P's and Q's mean? I will contemplate as I enjoy my speedy entrance into the secure world of the airport!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

National Be Nice to Others Day

OK, I made that up. It is not today, I don't know if there is such a day. But there should be. If it was National Be Nice To Others Day; how many random acts of kindness could you perform today? If we all put on our kindness sweater and reach out to others what a wonderful world we would live in and what a great day it would be!!

Today's challenge: seek out opportunities to help someone today. Rake the leaves of a neighbor; pay for someones coffee. Let someone in in line ahead of you. Look for opportunities to be nice today. I can't wait to hear what you came up with!

How will you celebrate this national, what the heck, let's make it an International holiday?

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Child Abuse

Who titles their blog of the day Child Abuse? If you live in the upper Midwest or follow the NFL you have probably heard Adrian Peterson's son was murdered by a child abuser. In my opinion it is time we stop calling these people abusers and label them what they are, murderers. This goes for domestic abuse also. Let's call it what it is; attempted murder. How many women and children have to die before we say this is an epidemic? What will it take to get this behavior to stop?

There may not be answers to these tough questions; I believe exposing the problem, talking about solutions and educating potential victims AND abusers will help. Are we talking to young women and men about the signs of an abusive relationship? If not; let's get at that.

I had to make a trip to the Urgent Care this week; I was reminded that every doctor visit now includes the question; are you safe at home. If people are not being honest about it; is it at least prompting them to think about it? I hope so.

I want to live in a world where children and women, and men for that matter, can be safe and happy. I know that is a dream; but if each one of us would take the awareness one step further and talk about the problem. Start reaching out; let's STOP domestic violence!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Birthday Bashes

October 11th is a pretty big deal in our family. Our daughter Hope and grand daughter Ellie celebrate their birthdays today.
Even though Hope is a very young 22 years old; Ellie is just one year old; yet one can not even imagine the differences these two young ladies will see in their lifetimes. 22 years ago cell phones were still in a bag and the Minnesota Twins had a respectable baseball team.
It will be fun to see what the next 22 years brings; the changes in the world but especially the changes these two young ladies make in their lives.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

The Wicked Witch of the West

I have been to a few theaters over the years; not many but enough to have a strong opinion about the Broadway Musical Wicked, now showing at the Orpheum in downtown Minneapolis.

I did not know the story and I should add as a child when the Wizard of Oz was on TV I always volunteered to do the dishes. The movie frightened me; especially the flying monkeys. As an adult I was giving a VHS copy of the original Wizard of Oz movie. I didn't watch it. I may now.

I have a whole new appreciation for the witches. The play was well done, the singing beautiful and the lighting truly makes you feel like you are in Emerald City. For almost three hours we were captured by the cast. John Davidson at age 71, is playing the Wizard. He does it masterfully. The two witches pull you in; Glinda with her blond curls and ditsy behavior and Elphaba with her beautiful voice and charm.

Who knew I would be cheering for the Wicked Witch.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A New Normal???

It doesn't matter where you are in life sometimes you just have to refocus. We have been going through many changes in the last few months and things will continue to change until we sell our old house and relocate completely. It is difficult to live out of suitcase and sleep in your own bed just once in awhile.

With all of those changes it is easy to get negative; even crabby about not having your normal. Today I find myself digging for some positive in the crazy world. I am excited that I have been able to reconnect with some old friends; stay in touch with old friends and be a bit closer to some family.

Today refocusing means putting a few words down on paper. Being grateful for the good jobs we have; being blessed with family that makes us smile. Life is really good, it is just different right now. I guess I will learn to be okay here.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Prep Time; also known as list making

Each week I hope to have everything in order before Monday morning; to my kids that would mean my lists are made. That would include the meal plan list. The exercise plan for the week list. The to do list; these are the things that MUST be done this week, and of course there is the dump list. This is the list of things I know I need to take care of but certainly can sit on the list for another week or two.  And yes I am one of those people who add thing to a list after I have completed the task only to cross it off and feel good about accomplishing something.

Why all of this thought to putting something on paper? I don't know that I can tell you. Some of it is fear; fear of forgetting what I might for get some detail of what is important for me that week. Some would say it is the control freak in me that needs to be in control of everything. Some would say it is a silly obsession. My daughter tells me when I pass my tomb stone will have a check mark with the statement. Her lists were completed! I will also note; several of my daughters have become list makers...I am a proud Mom.

Whatever it is; I must stop this post now, I need to get something crossed off my list.

Sunday, October 6, 2013


Somehow the calendar slipped into October. All of the opportunities summer held have now slipped away. It's time to sweep summer into the paper bags that will hold the leaves at the end of the driveway. We can pack the lawn mower away and get the snow blower fired up so the first flakes are easily taken care of.

I am not a fan of long cold and snowy winters. However, the fall season is delightful and the warm days and crisp nights are a wonderful time to enjoy a fire in the back yard, a brisk morning walk with the dog and an afternoon driving through the countryside to enjoy the fall foliage.

Today is a great day to take in a deep breath of the cool fresh air we take for granted here. Enjoy a walk around the neighborhood and get ready to bundle up. Winter is coming!

Unless of course you live in western South Dakota...sorry, it's time for snowshoes.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

A whirlwind tour of Europe

My intentions were good; keep a travel journal of our trip to Europe. Most days we were on the go and I didn't take time to write, however the 5 hour train ride from Madrid to Badajoz gave me some time to think about some of the great adventures. This has been a fantastic trip with some wonderful surprises along the way.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Spring is that you???

The days and weeks go whirling by and suddenly you notice the trees are quickly developing leaves. The brownish gray landscape is turning to a lush green. Maybe spring really has sprung! And this May shower will bring June flowers. Yesterday I called to have the pool opened; even though the front yard still boldly holds the last of winters grip; a small pile of snow left from the unwelcome snow storm of last week. The birds’ chirp of hope an invitation to enjoy this day, I guess I will! 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Friday morning like most weekday mornings I enjoy a strong cup of joe and look over the things that had happened as I slept. I was a bit surprised when I noticed there were school closings not far from here; just a handful but none the less the last notice was Winter: Status CLOSED.  I am not sure why I found this funny, perhaps it is the fact that this winter is hanging “open” as we enjoy the last weeks of April.  So the little town of Winter, Wisconsin will have no school today. Fitting I guess. 

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring Storm

I have a particular memory from my childhood of a spring storm, much like today. We lived where my Mom lives now; after the morning chores my dad felt he really needed to get to the “other place”. We had stock cows on that farm that he had not been able to get to for days. The “other place” was a farm they own 5 miles from our farm. The snow plow had not gone by yet so this meant he would have to walk. I remember my Mom wrapping the scarf around his neck and watching him head out the door. We didn't have a cell phone of course (because they were not invented yet); I don’t remember if we had power. We didn't hear from him all day. At one point a farm wife from a nearby farm called mom to let her know he had made it there and he and Art were heading to help another neighbor who had lost a number of cows in the storm. They would help get hay and water to surviving animals.
     I am not sure if any of our cattle were lost in that storm, but I know people did lose them. I recall being sad about that; but not thinking about what the farmers had to do to make a living; it is astounding to me. If you have walked or run 5 miles in good conditions, imagine bundling up in coveralls and walking through deep snow 5 miles.  When you arrive there is not electricity to warm you, just an old barn to get you out of the howling wind.
     He worked hard because those cattle meant a lot to him, helping the neighbors was important and it didn't matter what the obstacles were. He worked to overcome them. Life was good. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

The Morning Room

As I get a bit older, the days, weeks and month seem to fly by. I enjoy my job; but I do look forward to every Friday; not for the same reasons as I did years ago; a weekend party. Now it is to have quiet time, which if you ask my husband, we don't do enough. I would agree there is nothing like a quiet Saturday morning to relax, listen to some jazz on satellite radio and of course drink coffee.

In our house we have two main floor living spaces, one was designed for as a family room with a fireplace and built ins, the other as a formal living room. I sit in that one in the morning; we watch TV in the other at night. One year during Camp Grandma our grand daughter Mariah called the more formal living room the "morning room". It stuck, this Friday like most I look forward to Saturday morning, relaxing, drinking coffee and talking smart in the "morning" room.
Here's to a wonderful weekend and some quiet time in your "morning room"!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The most popular topic these days is the never ending winter weather. When the temps finally rise into the 50's there will be dancing in the streets. Aren't you looking forward to the parks filled with children, the green grass and the warmth of the sun as it rises in the sky? I know I am.  
We also can look forward to everything else the warmer weather brings; the family celebrations we cherish every year; Mothers day, the fishing opener, OK for me that is not a big one, but for some that is a date circled on the calendar. Graduations, summer weddings, getting the golf clubs out to hack your way around the golf course; the rush of getting the motorcycle moving down the road. 
Ah yes, there is so much to look forward to, let's not let the minor setback of cold spring temps ruin the day.  Get the bike polished up, sweep the garage floor and set your mind on summer! Make it a great day! 

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A cold Saturday in March

On a chilly, or should I say a downright cold Saturday morning in late March one can dream about the summer days ahead. Or one could clean closets and use the last of the winter days to finish up those projects you were going to work on all winter and didn't. Better yet, one could choose to get outside move around in the cold and hope this is the last week that we consistently drop close to zero!

The winter months have been long; but the spring days ahead are full of promise. On this particular Saturday I will be dreaming of warm days ahead and leave the closets until next winter!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...