Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alma Ingara "Grandma" Anderson

In early December my quiet sweet Grandmother would celebrate her birthday. When I think about this women it is hard for me to fathom what she faced in her lifetime. She was born before the turn of the century in 1898; the oldest of 4 children I believe. When I think back to this time it's hard to image what life might have been like on the cold prairie. I don't know if the details of her birth are available; I have don't know if she was born in the hospital or at home. I do know she helped take care of the other children when they were born; they moved often and she was not married until her late 30's to the neighbor boy Alfred Anderson. She had three daughters and lived well into her 90's. 

While Grandma Anderson lived on this earth cars and airplanes were introduced and became common place. Man walked on the moon and women were allowed to vote. She lived through World War 1 and World War 2; the Korean conflict and the Vietnam war. She never experienced the internet or a cell phone. Indoor plumbing was a convenience at midlife. 

The amazing thing about this silver haired woman was her attitude. My mother and her sisters may tell you different; but I never heard this woman raise her voice. She did not complain and always met you at the door with a smile. When spending the night you had sheets on the sofa and in the morning the smell of strong coffee and burnt toast filled the air. By the way the burnt toast was on purpose; and it was always scrapped. 

There are many people I have learned from in this life; my Grandma Anderson was one of the people. From her I could learn a bit more; sometimes it is good to be quiet. Delivering that cutting edge piece of humor can get you through many situations. A smile when you meet someone goes a long long way. When Grandma was in the nursing home and the bus was going for an outing she was quick to get on and ride. In life it is usually a good idea to get on the bus...a ride out and about rarely hurts anyone; you might even get a new perspective. And finally, if you burn the toast...scrape it off! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Little More HO HO HO and a Little Less Bah Humbug

Every year at the end of November the radio is changed to Christmas music in our house and car. Every year we hear the same songs for a month straight and every year it brings joy to this middle aged woman's heart.

I am not sure if it is the connection I feel to my childhood or the excitement that is felt in the air during the holiday season. It just seems easier to push out negativity when you are listening to Bing Cosby sing "I am Dreaming of a White Christmas."

Here's to a lovely December and a Happy Holiday Season. Maybe in 2015 we can remember to carry that spirit on into January.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hope and the Game of Baseball

Yesterday the Minnesota Twins announced a deal with former player Torii Hunter. At age 39 a 10 million dollar deal seems like a bit much but this gives me; a die hard Twins fan hope.

At the beginning of every baseball season all teams start with a clean slate. At the beginning of every day we get a new set of hours to work with. In the world of baseball it doesn't matter what happened last year; the teams re-position with new coaches, new players and new ideas for the new season as soon as the old season ends. In life when we close one door we re-position ourselves to move on when we are forced to make changes; the end of a job, losing someone we love or moving to a new city. We have to work at re-inventing ourselves. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. We get a do-over.

So what does Torii Hunter being paid millions to play a game at age 39 have to do with this. As a Twins fan Torii brings us back to a time we had hope for the Twins; a time when diving catches and home runs were the norm. With the new coaching staff and Torii we have renewed hope in the 2015 baseball season. Someone believes that Torii can bring something to the game; maybe it will be fans through the gates or some excitement to the bench or the leader the team has been looking for; but someone in the organization believes in him to bring hope to the Minnesota Twins.

We can all take a little bit of our past and bring it forward into our lives for some hope in the new year. If Torii brings us a little joy in the upcoming season; maybe there is something from our past that we need to reconnect with; maybe an old friend this holiday season or a tradition you let go needs to be renewed; whatever it is we can all have hope for each new day because someone believes in us. Be the Torii Hunter in someone's life; show someone you are still willing to work hard and play everyday. OR be the Minnesota Twins and invest in someones future with a compliment today.

Baseball and life; there is always HOPE!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


No Complaints Day.

It's time to be grateful. Time to put aside the petty differences and complaints in life to breeze through a day with a grateful heart.

As the care flight helicopter flew overhead I realized I didn't really have anything to complain about. I am healthy and have a great family; there are a great group of friends not far away. Even the weather will not even get to me today.

So today is a day to be grateful... No Complaints today!!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Monday Monday....

Monday can just feel like a day that is a long way from the next weekend. Often for me it is a day of hope; this is the day that I think I will get started on all of those projects I have put off. The day I will tackle work with a vengeance. Monday is the day the eating will get under control and I will certainly exercise because it's a new week.

Monday often turns into the just another day; projects left untouched and candy bars eaten. But it's one in seven we get each week. Might as well enjoy it! Happy Monday..

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Why oh Why....

It's a beautiful Sunday morning in the Twin Cities; this morning Mark and I went to the Basilica for early Mass. We have been looking for our Church home since we came back to the cities. This morning as we left we felt we had found it. But why is it important to us to have a Church home?

As we were sitting in Mass a young girl we don't even know was taking her last breath. She was an acquaintance of one of our granddaughters. We followed her story for the last year and half. She fought a valiant fight with cancer. Her story is was documented mostly by her mother on caring bridge. This last week was a tough one. So what does this have to do with our search for a Church or why we believe?

We believe because what would the purpose be if we did not? What good would come from such a terrible loss? A family is devastated but there is hope. Hope of a life not on this earth. A Church home gives us somewhere to ground ourselves. A place to get on our knees or sit humbly to remember that the stress doesn't have to be; the stress of this life is temporary. We believe because there is more; it gives us purpose.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

Stepping On the Soapbox!

I had been following a story from the area for a couple of weeks for a few reasons. First I heard that a motorcyclist was killed in a head on crash on a highway I had ridden on a few weeks before. Then I learned it was a 21 year old young man killed and the driver was a young lady. Today I learned the young man that lost his life was a member of the U of M Marching Band; 320 other members morn the loss of his life.
When I started riding motorcycle a few years ago I realized that there were two things that frightened me as I went down the road on my bike; deer suddenly jumping out of the ditch and distracted drivers. The more I ride, the more I realize the distracted drivers are certainly the bigger threat. It breaks my heart to think about the lives changed by this young life taken on that highway in broad daylight; the family of the motorcyclists AND the young lady.
We have heard of too many stories like this lately, motorcyclists and bicyclists are at risk on the roads. Let's stop calling these accidents. It seems to me if you choose to get behind the wheel you should choose to pay attention to the road and only the road. I realize accidents happen; this is not an accident. I don't know for a fact that the particular accident I am talking about is because of cell phone but it was a distracted driver. Everyone thinks it couldn't happen to them; it won't be me, or anyone from my family; it could be.
Pay attention today. Put your phone down. Please.

***short lady steps off soapbox

Sunday, August 17, 2014


If you search the internet you will find all sorts of quotes and sayings about happiness. Farrell Williams sings the Happy Song; we clap along. Today NPR's TED talk was an interview of a scientist who researches happiness.
It seems the elusive key to a good life is happiness; it's something we all seem to strive for. But what does that mean for you? Mark Twain was quoted as saying "Whoever is happy will make others happy." According to George Sand there is only one happiness and that is to be loved and to love others. A quote that is credited to Ben Sweetland goes like this "Happiness is a journey, not a destination".
We have heard over and over that we are responsible for our own happiness. If that is the case why aren't we all ecstatic. Who would CHOOSE to be sad or lonely, unhappy?
It just isn't that easy; depression real, for many getting up in the morning is a struggle; feeling happy can be tough.
Even though it is not our responsibility to make others happier; it seems to make sense that if we make someone else happy; we will be happier too. And while we are at it let's remember to stay in the moment. Enjoy the little things; the laughter of a child, the beautiful sunrise or a beautiful waterfall.
Nothing new here; just a chance to start your day out right by making someone else happy too. Be nice today and you will be happier! Simple.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A New Day

As I walked into the living room the sun was coming up; a vase that sits on the buffet provided sparkles around the entire room. A smile came across my face; it was a wonderful reminder of the joy you can find in each day. Those bright spots on the wall made me think of my beautiful granddaughters. They would all enjoy the lights and they would notice them. What a great reminder for all of us to take a minute and enjoy the sparkles in life. Thanks little ladies; you bring me great joy. Mariah, Naomi, Peytan, Kierra, Kianna, Emeri, Madysen, Ellie and Mataya, wishing you all a sparkly day!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Education is the Key

Today I had the opportunity to visit the Harvest Prep School in North Minneapolis. This school is in one of the toughest areas of the Twin Cities; an area of high crime, high percentage of school drop outs and high unemployment numbers.
But in the center of this I witnessed a dedicated group of educators that have a different idea for the area. They believe and are proving education is the key. The statistics for success this school is producing is very impressive. The young children from kindergarten to 8th grade were engaged and excited (for the most part) to be in school. The engagement was obvious.
Today I am grateful for the teachers and school staff that work hard in our public schools. The challenges are daunting; the pay is low but the dedication these folks have is admirable.
It's a great day to thank a teacher; without them our world would not be a very "bright" place.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


What a difference a good night of sleep makes! One day the world is gray and frankly a bit blue; or maybe that isn't the day it was just my attitude. It seems the bad news of the day can quickly over take your thoughts and eventually your every move. The weight of your world settles on your shoulders and you find yourself feeling a bit hopeless and out of control. Sad.

Then after a good night sleep the sun comes up and BAM! Actually in my world the sun doesn't have to even come up; we are pretty early risers at our house. Life is just plain good; what changed; the coffee is the same, the room looks the same but the day is brighter, the world a happier place to live.

In my lifetime I have lived not just one day to the next but one minute to the next. My burdens certainly are not as heavy as they once felt; if I didn't worry about my family (its a Mom thing) I wouldn't have much to worry about at all. But it is easy to get to be a negative Nelly on a cold snowy day in March. If one would remember that April doesn't usually hold negative temperature days in these parts; wait for the sunshine; count your blessing, perhaps we can all be Pollyanna's for the day.

I wish for you a day of Pollyanna!

*If you don't know what Pollyanna is Webster will tell you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Marwell Bobby Ardell Konold.

Seven years ago today my father took his last breath. In those seven years my emotions have run the gamut. It is said there are five stages of grief; denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression and finally acceptance. I believe most anyone who has lost someone close would agree they go through these stages over the months or years. There isn't a time table, it happens faster for some and that does not mean the one who is gone is any more or less loved. We are all different. But we do all grieve. Will I always stop a moment to think of him on this day? I am not sure; but for now I will.
Today when I think of my dad the tears don't usually show up rather a smile when I think of a special memory I have from my childhood on the farm. I grin when I think about playing pinochle with him or the special smile he had when the grandchildren showed up. My dad was most comfortable on the farm; usually in his stripped bib overalls. He was such a kind soul and I miss him.
The seven years has gone very quickly after the first few weeks and months of hurt we felt with his loss. Now when I see an eagle soaring about I think of him and I am reminded of the many things he taught me. I am grateful for having had him in my life. You were a good man Marwell Bobby Ardell Konold. Thanks for being my hero!

Thursday, March 6, 2014


This morning I noticed a friend had posted a picture of Peeps on Facebook. Is this the new sign of spring? This winter has been particularly long for many; some would say it is even too cold to enjoy our usually outdoor activities. That little burst of color made me think spring really might be just around the corner.

Hopefully we will be looking for real birds in the next few weeks. When the Robins start showing up we know we are on the right side of winter!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dreaming of Summer

A cold, cold winter morning is the perfect time to dream about summer adventures. This year as we have been holed up in our houses for most of the past two months, we have plenty of time for dreaming.

What kind of summer fun will you have this year? Are you taking a summer vacation? Spending some time with the grandchildren? Is there a motorcycle or hiking adventure on the horizon or weekends at the cabin? I am trying to get through just one more week, just one more week of bitter cold so we can start enjoying the outdoors again. Hang on folks; summer really is coming!

Friday, February 14, 2014

The Valentines Box

A visit to Valentine aisle this week created an interesting memory for me. Apparently now you can buy a valentines box to put all of your lovely Valentines in. When I was a young school girl in Brandt Grade School you had to make your own box. Decorating anything; much less a shoe box using glue and construction paper is difficult for someone like me. Every year in Mrs. Hawley's room; grades 1-4; we were challenged to bring a box that others would use to drop the Valentines in. My memory is that I covered the shoe box with red paper, cut out a few pink hearts, cut a slit in the top and I had a Valentines box. It was functional and that was about it! My class was large 8 or 9 boys and Deb and Diane, the Haug twins and me. The Twins were great artists, they brought in very creative beautiful Valentine boxes. I always wished I could make something like theirs. But every year my box was pretty much a shoe box with construction paper.

I am glad to see Valentines boxes are available. I am also glad that we celebrate love on this day. Lets remember to send a little love to those that are single or maybe someone who lost their valentine since last year. Share the love and you don't even need a pretty box to do it.

By the way, it was a large class, I think one of my sisters had three in her class.

Happy Valentines Day!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The longest coldest winter EVER!

It is only February 13th and in our neck of the woods we can certainly be facing a lot more cold, snow and winter. You know it has been a cold one when spirits are lifted by a 16 degree reading on the thermometer. Yesterday morning at the gym spirits were lifted, many were talking of not having to wear a coat because it was so nice out. In general everyone seemed happier. The prospect of not dipping below zero for a few days has many ecstatic; including me!

Maybe this is not the longest, coldest winter ever. But to many in the Midwest it certainly is feeling like it. I am ready for a sloppy thaw, how about you?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Olympic Fever

I love the Olympics; I almost everything from the opening ceremony to the closing. I will watch almost any sport and enjoying the competition and a little trumped up drama. I even like the side stories. But I do not like to hear results of events before I get to watch them. I find myself going through the day with out listening to major newscasts, avoiding Twitter and Facebook and other social media. My solution is my own little news blackout everyday.  Then I discovered another trick; highlights On Demand. A two plus hour hockey game summarized in just three minutes. Added bonus this year; better commercials and team competition in ice skating. 

The two weeks of Olympics every four years gives us a glimpse of sports we wouldn't give an hour to on a Saturday any other time of year. But during this time we pretend to be experts on luge and speed skating; even though we have not followed the sport since the last Olympic competition. 

For now we wave the American flag and get excited for the twizzles and celebrate the victories like we are cheering on our hometown team.  Go USA!!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The Good China Chipped!

This was a different holiday season for us for many reasons. There was joy, some sadness, mixed with some laughter, a few games of cards and some not so pleasant weather.

Before the holidays I wrote about using the good china. On Christmas Eve I took out the good china; well it's not china, but the good dishes that actually match. We use these when ever we are having a nice dinner. The next day when I emptied the dish washer I realized one of the plates had chipped. Now I had to deal with my words...put the pretty stuff front and center in your life; use the good china. The next sentence is so what if it breaks. The plate is chipped; my pretty set of dishes has a flaw.

Now what do I do? Do I try to replace it? Put it back in the cupboard to pretend it never happened? Do I just go with one less plate? Now I can only have 7 for a dinner, that's odd.

Replacing it is not an option; they don't make these any longer. Pretending it didn't happen won't make things better next time I invite 8 for dinner. I guess I will just live with it. Figure it out as we go.

Isn't that how it is in life? We all have flaws; little chips in our lives that can't really be hidden; they are always there. We can put them them in the cupboard; but eventually they have to come out. Not everyone notices them; the little imperfections make us who we are. We have to learn to live with it. Figure it out. It certainly won't keep us from keeping the pretty things front and center in our life.

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...