Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday morning

After a particularly busy week Saturday morning unfolds with a huge list of should do's and must do's. This list starts as a thought as I open my eyes before 5:00 AM. It grows as a few tasks are knocked off before 6:00 AM. The Costa Rican coffee seems to feed the intensity and length of the list. By 7:00 AM the brain is full and it's time to step back and say, "I don't need to do it all today!"

Which gets me to the thought of why do I always say, "yes, or sure, I'd help you with that", or "I will do that". Only to have that pit in my stomach a few minutes later when I realize that my yes will have to be added to the list. The infamous Judy list, the ever growing list of to do's.

I have several lists, like the dump list, that list is for the flood of have to get done's in my mind. Some times the list is lengthy. That of course goes along with my every day list. Are you seeing a pattern, I am a bit of a list person. My daughter tells others the last thing on my list is to make a new list. Another daughter thinks I have too many notebooks, I would only reply, where would you put your lists if you don't have notebooks??? I will be satisfied when they lay me to rest after my days are done and my tombstone states, "She crossed everything off her list!"

But today I vow to be different, today at 7:00 AM I will just do the "want to do's" these are the things that should be on a Saturday list, all of the pressure from Monday through Friday should go away on Saturday.
What I am getting at is just do what YOU want to do today. Today the list is not going to Own me!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...