Sunday, January 13, 2019

Got Goals??? Get them!

When you put your ideas on paper they look real, they look like they could be accomplished. You feel positive, like you have already tackled the problems because you have addressed them. They problems and how to overcome them are now right there on paper. Whew; time to step away; watch a Netflix program for the reward. You tell yourself, that paper, or the document on your computer needs to sit there for a while. You need to feel good about just getting this on the paper.

You walk by it, you maybe look at the folder sitting there just being itself. You go on with your life, occasionally thinking about the things you wrote down on that list. Now you are days and weeks into the New Year, maybe even a month, the list is unchanged. It is time to pick that New Year’s baby up and start nurturing it. Right now, find the list. It’s in the notebook you left on the far corner of the desk. How does it feel now? Are you as excited today as you were last week when you wrote those down? If not maybe we should cross a few things off that list, or move them to a dream list or what I call my list the dump list.

What’s jumping out on the page to you. Just what is it that you think you really WANT to work on? I will contend that that is the thing that led you to commit these to paper. That is the real deal, the one thing you need to get started on now.

I want you to start a new document, computer paper, I don’t care. Get your coffee and let’s get started. What needs to be done to get that piece moving? Set your timer for 10 minutes. Start typing or writing, everything you need to do to get that goal needs to show up on the piece of paper. Who do you need to call? Who can help you? What barriers might you run into? Get it all down.

Drink your coffee.

You now are going to put that project into action. Grab your google calendar, your planner, whatever it is that you are using and start setting tasks for you for the next 30 days. Most of these should be 10 minute tasks, some may require more work. You want to find days that you have time to complete those longer pieces of the project.

Now set a weekly review, after carefully selecting the first 7 things you are going to do, add them to your daily to do’s as the one of the A items you are going to do. If you have not heard me talk about it before, my days are set up in A, B and C items. The A’s must be done and there are no more than 3. B’s are the things I would like to do and the C’s are just that dump list or a moving target of to do’s I want on my radar. If I have time I will probably grab one to get it crossed off.

During you weekly review, set the timer to 10 minutes. You are going to focus on the next 7 things. When will you do them. Do you need to break it down even further so you know you will get it done? Get them on the calendar for the next week. This process is going to happen for the next 30 days.

A month in, you will be surprised just how much you have accomplished on this one goal. You may want to pull the next project, or you might want to just stay with this one. This is a personal decision. You might find that you need to spend another 30 days with this one.

One clarification here, this doesn’t mean you don’t tick off a few other things that are on that list. But I want you to have a focus every 30 days. At the end of the 12 months you will be able to look at your work, you should have completed, or have 12 months of new things happening for you. You depending on how difficult your goals are you might have 12 works in progress, or 12 new habits. The goal is to get working now on the piece of paper you spent so much time putting together. The thought needs to move to action and this is one way to get it moving.

Sounds like too much? It’s not, just set a time each day to spend with these goals. Give them 10 minutes; it’s worth it for the lifetime of change isn’t it?

Happy Middle of the first month of the year! Ok, made that up...just have a Happy Day.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Finding Hope for Today

Can you even imagine the joy the family of Jamey Closs might feel?
The details just coming out, it doesn’t matter at this point, because the joy of having her back is more than one can imagine.

We have driven those parts of Wisconsin, heavily wooded, not so far off the main roads, but certainly out of the way. This is a quiet oasis for some, but was an unbelievable hell for this young girl. One cannot imagine what she might have gone through.
Now the recovery begins, I would guess this lasts a lifetime.

For the family and really the rest of us that have followed along since the 15th of October we start to get answers. We start putting the pieces together. For all time this is now a sign of hope. Whenever we feel like all is dire, we can think about the possibility that maybe things will be okay. Maybe we can endure because Jayme did. She somehow escaped. Prayers of her family, friends and frankly anyone who heard the story are answered.

What are you losing hope about? What feels so dire you can’t imagine getting it turned around?
Take a minute to think about what you can do about it. Say a prayer, think positive thoughts, and hold out hope. Because I like a good list, make a list of everything you could possibly do to help the situation, add the people who might help you through this situation.

But know there is always hope, there is always a chance. We might not know what the outcome is, we might not realize why things are happening but we know that prayers are answered; we know that there is light at the end of most tunnels.

I have been told that I have a Pollyannaish type attitude, that I just don’t understand what it is like to be truly depressed. This is true. But no matter what I have been through I have always managed to have hope, I have always managed to be able to pull myself up from my bootstraps (if I had bootstraps) and move on. But as my husband wisely reminds, “you cannot judge your insides by someone else’s outside”. We don’t know how people really feel on the inside.

I make my case here for three things.
One is to be kind to one another. We don’t know what someone else is going though.
Two, we need others, others to lean on when we are down, others to remind us to get help that is out there. (Most employers have EAP programs that can help with professional counseling)
Three, there is always hope. The case of Jayme Closs reminds us that we can never give up. For her family, her community, for anyone who followed the story, we will hope for good days ahead.

By the way, I have a daughter named Hope…I knew in my life I would always need it!

Today, I wish you peace and hope!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...