Friday, March 30, 2012

Out like a Lamb

The month of March has been quite lamb-ish. I don't remember a milder one. An early spring in the upper Midwest gets us in a summer mood well ahead of the traditional Memorial day opener. This year the lawns are raked, garages are cleaned of the trails of winter road salt. What will we do when on those May days if all of the prep work for summer is complete?

How about helping a neighbor, friend or relative? I will throw out a challenge to anyone who has enjoyed a jump start on our summer season to do something nice for someone else in April and/or May. Find someone in need, do it anonymously if you like, rake a lawn, sweep out a garage or wash some windows.

It's a great season to pay it forward! Give a little bit of your time to someone who will really appreciate it. Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mozart as my guide!

Classical music in the background; coffee is freshly brewed, the day full of possibility. Saturday mornings at home are my favorite; especially when there isn’t anywhere we have to be. The busy work week behind, the week ahead isn’t within reach. The possibilities for the day endless; just what will I do with these precious hours? Certainly some reading, writing and probably running; if I must pick up a broom and slide it across the floors I will; but only with Mozart guiding me. What a glorious day!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...