Tuesday, September 10, 2019

My Dad Was in a Gang!

When I was growing up on the family farm in South Dakota there was a gang. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my Dad was a part of that gang. This group consisted of other farmers in the area. Men, who worked hard, enjoyed life and talking cattle and all things farming. I am sure there are many tales I don’t know, maybe they weren’t all for the greater good, but the stories I remember were very special. 

When one of the gang members needed a hand, the rest of the gang showed up. A simple phone call started the chain. I recall my Dad making some calls, “Yes, we’ll get started at 9”. Quickly hanging up without saying goodbye, my Dad never said goodbye. Making the next call and soon the gang was informed and ready to meet the next day to take on whatever was needed. 

In the summer Saturday night picnics with the gang included croquet, volleyball and those dangerous jarts. In the winter it was card games and laughter. The women always brought quite a spread. Food, games, laughter, it is what the pleasant memories of my childhood are made of, I cherish them.

I loved my Dad’s gang, the kids of these gang members were my best friends growing up. We played together, learned to drive, and yes, occasionally got into trouble together. We remain friends today. Maybe not seeing each other often, but we all share the love from that time of our lives. 

As this group of men aged the included their grandkids in on some of their fun. They took up golfing on the Gary golf course, enjoying a supper club meal recounting their week, the golf game and of course what was happening on the farm. Their wives fast friends enjoyed the fun, always having the best laughs especially during their birthday celebrations.

The friendships this gang started lasted their lifetime. One by one they have started to leave this earth, beginning with my Dad over 12 years ago. Every one of these guys holds a special place in my heart. I learned we lost another member of the gang. I am a little weepy about this loss. I am grateful for the legacy they left and for the friendships I have because of the gang’s friendship. 

Yes, my dad was in a gang. A gang of farmers, they were the good guys.

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...