Saturday, April 18, 2015


It's a funny long word that makes you ask; did I spell that correctly? Sometimes procrastination is what we do. I am on my last paper of my second to last class in my MBA program. Instead of working on that paper I came here. I notice I haven't posted here since last September when I vowed to keep up on the Blog at least weekly. Procrastination at it's finest. My paper is due tomorrow. I would say I have a strong start; nearly half done but truth be told it was due yesterday, I asked for an extension and I have had 2 weeks to complete the paper. Daily I have been known to say; "I need to work on my paper today", daily I have left it sitting untouched.

So now...I sit working on this silly last paper of my second to the last class of my MBA when I would rather be doing just about anything else. Now to check Facebook just one last time....

Friday, January 2, 2015

52 Weeks

It seems more popular to say "I am NOT making a New Years Resolution this year"; then to say you are. Seems it is no longer popular to set a goal and then fail miserably in the coming weeks.

I do think we can all look at the calendar in the next few days and feel like we get a refresh on our lives. With the busy Holiday season in the rear view mirror we can look ahead to the possibilities of the upcoming year. We all get the same amount of time; or at least we hope we do. 52 weeks, that's 365 days minus one so far; to rethink what we want to do with our lives.

If you are vowing to eat better, get more exercise, get more sleep or you promise yourself you will finish that project or even search for a new job in 2015, I wish you the best. If we stop dreaming about possibilities we are just moving through life. With that being said don't forget to stop and enjoy the moment along the way. It's a tough balance, but with thoughtful resolve it can be accomplished.

Here's to a delightful new set of 52 weeks. May it be all you wish for.

Happy New Year!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...