Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alma Ingara "Grandma" Anderson

In early December my quiet sweet Grandmother would celebrate her birthday. When I think about this women it is hard for me to fathom what she faced in her lifetime. She was born before the turn of the century in 1898; the oldest of 4 children I believe. When I think back to this time it's hard to image what life might have been like on the cold prairie. I don't know if the details of her birth are available; I have don't know if she was born in the hospital or at home. I do know she helped take care of the other children when they were born; they moved often and she was not married until her late 30's to the neighbor boy Alfred Anderson. She had three daughters and lived well into her 90's. 

While Grandma Anderson lived on this earth cars and airplanes were introduced and became common place. Man walked on the moon and women were allowed to vote. She lived through World War 1 and World War 2; the Korean conflict and the Vietnam war. She never experienced the internet or a cell phone. Indoor plumbing was a convenience at midlife. 

The amazing thing about this silver haired woman was her attitude. My mother and her sisters may tell you different; but I never heard this woman raise her voice. She did not complain and always met you at the door with a smile. When spending the night you had sheets on the sofa and in the morning the smell of strong coffee and burnt toast filled the air. By the way the burnt toast was on purpose; and it was always scrapped. 

There are many people I have learned from in this life; my Grandma Anderson was one of the people. From her I could learn a bit more; sometimes it is good to be quiet. Delivering that cutting edge piece of humor can get you through many situations. A smile when you meet someone goes a long long way. When Grandma was in the nursing home and the bus was going for an outing she was quick to get on and ride. In life it is usually a good idea to get on the bus...a ride out and about rarely hurts anyone; you might even get a new perspective. And finally, if you burn the toast...scrape it off! 

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