Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Apple of my Eye

There are a few places from my childhood that stand out as constants. My grandparents apple orchard is one of those places. Let me clarify first, it wasn’t so much an apple orchard as a row of apple trees on each side of my grandparents’ house on the prairie of South Dakota. So many of my memories take place at that farm. Each spring the trees would bear beautiful white flowers that gave promise to the crop that would come in the fall. Each tree a different type of apple, a different size and certainly a different tasting fruit. The birds and worms loved these trees as much as the grandchildren did.

My grandfather was a large man, well in the eyes of a young girl he felt massive. His voice always loud, heard from anywhere in the house. I recall my grandmother shushing him when babies were sleeping or if you was overstating his opinion, often not the opinion of others in the conversation.

Grandpa was very proud of his apple trees. He took good care of them, watering the young trees, trimming the branches of those overtaken by deadly worm invasions. The webs of these insects were unsightly and spread from tree to tree if not taken care of.
In the fall the crab apples were the first to be ready to eat, we couldn’t wait for the treat when we drove up to the house, grandpa would call to tell us they were ready.

The big green apples were perfect for grandma’s apple pie, the tart red apples went into the apple crisp. We helped her peel and cut up apples for freezing, mushing into applesauce and apple butter. By far my favorite apple treat grandma made was apple bars. They had just the right flaky crust, the perfect blend of apples, sugar and of course the drizzle of frosting on the top. I like to think they were the best, but maybe it was the loving hands that grew the trees, picked the apples and prepared the bars that made them so special. My grandparents were such an important part of who I am today.

Today I am grateful for these two rows of apple trees, the rows probably didn’t qualify as an orchard, but this little slice of apple heaven is a place that my heart and mind can safely wonder to for a respite of the crazy busy life we now lead.

Today’s adventure is to the grocery store, to pick out the perfect apple, just the right amount of crunch and juiciness. A little reminder of the simple days of my childhood.

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