Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Thank You

Steve's family wishes to express deep and abiding gratitude to the many caregivers who helped him throughout his life; particularly those who showed kindness and compassion at the end of his life. It is recognized that these people work tirelessly under challenging circumstances for little pay. They deserve our support and appreciation for the kindness and care they provide our loved ones.
This is an excerpt from Steven McGovern’s obit in the Sioux Falls Argus Leader.  The obituary is expertly written, a loving tribute to a man who had a famous father.  It is lovely that the McGovern family choose to highlight Steven’s caretakers.  This is a very nice tribute to those that are undercompensated and rarely appreciated for the difficult work they do. 
When my father and Mark's father were in their last days the nurses of hospice swooped in like angels, we are forever grateful for the work they did.  One of our daughters works as a CNA in a Vent unit; she is a very caring young woman. I know families are grateful for the care she and her co-workers provide to their loved ones. 
To all of my friends and family in healthcare; especially those in nursing homes and hospice, thank you! There is not enough recognition and certainly not enough compensation for the difficult job you face every day.    

Monday, July 9, 2012


Today would have been my father-in-laws birthday; Dave Ring left our world on a Sunday morning in June 5 years ago.  His spirit lives on in his children and grandchildren.  He would laugh at me for saying it; but to me he was a legend, a hero.  The kids talk about how he would tell stories they were sure to be true; one that comes to mind is his story of being in the Green Berets.  He could get any of them to smile in a moment.  He was generous and kind, but could be one tough cookie.  If you were on his team, you were in, but if you crossed him or anyone who was on his team look out.  This man was quick witted, smart and had a heart of gold.  He is missed by friends and family alike.  Happy Birthday Dave, I am sure you are negotiating with the angels! 

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Flag Day!

It’s Flag Day; for some reason this day always takes me back to grade school years.  When we were kids was there a Flag Day event?  I think maybe.  It seems some things from your grade school years escape you but other things are as vivid as yesterday.  For me and my siblings the grade school was what seemed to be a large building in Brandt, South Dakota.  

When I started my schooling 4 rooms in the building were used.  Grades 1 through 4 in the lower grade room taught by Mrs. Hawley and Mrs. Holen took charge of Grades 5 through 8 in the upper grade room. We also used a music room and the lunch room. When Mrs. Nieme came from the district office we were always on our best behavior.  I don’t know what we thought she could do to us; but I remember being afraid of her.  If my memory is correct, she was a big woman and had blue hair. But that might not be true at all. One of our favorite things to do at recess was climb the fire escape in the back of the building and slide down.  I am pretty sure they put an end to that for safety reasons by the time I was in 3rd grade. Mrs. Shane; the school cook was in the basement kitchen; it was a special honor to take the attendance for the day to the basement kitchen; when you delivered the number to cook for on that day and you usually got a little sample of something she was cooking up; the bonus was the lovely smells that were created there.  Mrs. Shane introduced me to crunch of rutabaga on one of those visits. 

I have such great memories from those years, although some very sketchy, I do remember Flag Day was my classmate and neighbors birthday.  Happy Birthday Mike Kjenstad! 
Though I don’t remember the history of Flag Day; I know it is a day to fly it in honor of those who fought so we could freely fly the Red, White and Blue! Happy Flag Day! 

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Give 5 Pennies Worth of Kindness

Some people are natural born givers and others are takers, with the expectation of always getting something from others. Can we train ourselves or be trained to move from being recipient to the role of giver?

After a devastating storm in parts of town the local media reported of a woman who walked around with sub sandwiches and water for neighbors and workers cleaning up after the storm. In the story she tells of how she was once homeless and was given her trailer to fix up; now she wants to give back. Was it always her nature to give or did the fact that someone was generous to her trigger the giving spirit? Are some born with this spirit, do the they learn it from their parents at a young age or does it become part of their being as they move through life?

Many years ago I heard a speaker telling of putting 5 pennies in his right pocket every morning, with each kindness, or compliment he handed out he moved a penny from the right pocket to the left. It reminded him throughout the day to be kind to others. This required action on his part and was measured by the penny movement. I wish I could remember who he was, but I am grateful for the story; it would be a much better world if we would all remember to move 5 pennies a day.

Perhaps we can train ourselves to be natural born givers. Today spread some kindness…at least 5 pennies worth!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April Showers

Last night we endured the first thunderstorm of April; this morning the lilacs are in full bloom, the grass is greener and the outlook is fantastic. It's amazing what a little rain can do to renew the great outdoors.

How about you? Are you in need of some freshening up? Need some rain in your life to wash away the old and bloom anew?

Today let's think about what we need to wash away, maybe we need to finally tackle that closet and just donate everything to charity. One never knows what is holding us back from blooming until we shed some of the old.

Perhaps today we just need to sit in silence to cleanse the mind; with each deep breath we have renewed spirit for this life.

Take a deep breath and bloom!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Out like a Lamb

The month of March has been quite lamb-ish. I don't remember a milder one. An early spring in the upper Midwest gets us in a summer mood well ahead of the traditional Memorial day opener. This year the lawns are raked, garages are cleaned of the trails of winter road salt. What will we do when on those May days if all of the prep work for summer is complete?

How about helping a neighbor, friend or relative? I will throw out a challenge to anyone who has enjoyed a jump start on our summer season to do something nice for someone else in April and/or May. Find someone in need, do it anonymously if you like, rake a lawn, sweep out a garage or wash some windows.

It's a great season to pay it forward! Give a little bit of your time to someone who will really appreciate it. Happy Spring!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Mozart as my guide!

Classical music in the background; coffee is freshly brewed, the day full of possibility. Saturday mornings at home are my favorite; especially when there isn’t anywhere we have to be. The busy work week behind, the week ahead isn’t within reach. The possibilities for the day endless; just what will I do with these precious hours? Certainly some reading, writing and probably running; if I must pick up a broom and slide it across the floors I will; but only with Mozart guiding me. What a glorious day!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the star, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new heaven to the human spirit. –Helen Keller

On a cold February morning it seems as if spring will never come, but an optimist doesn’t have to wish for it to happen. By the time the calendar is flipped to May the subzero temps will be gone as well as the bone chilling wind. As I long for spring, I will take deep breaths enjoying the crispness of this cold February day, knowing the warm winds will soon blow.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January Twenty Twelve

Completing January is always a joy. The long winter soon behind us. Today I stare out the front window envisioning the trees putting on their summer leaves, the robins dancing in the front yard. I see last night's blanket of snow. Crisp, clean, and of course cold! January can be a great time to set goals, dream of warm days ahead and outdoor activities; occasionally succumbing to depressing thoughts of short days and long nights. Maybe January of Twenty Twelve should be a month of resting the mind and spirit, giving into the quiet early dark evening in preparation for the whirlwind of fun found each spring and summer.
Or maybe we should strap on some snowshoes and enjoy the great outdoors! The days are short, but full of possibilities.
However you spend the remainder of January be there, live each moment. One never knows when it might be their last!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...