Friday, April 17, 2020

Find the Joy!

A few years back, maybe more than a few years ago, I had two granddaughters that started to come to our house every summer for a long weekend. Mariah and Naomi are now in their early 20’s, they called it Camp Grandma, a term I got from my kids going to their Grandma Rings. Camp Grandma was a way of connecting with grandkids when they didn’t live very close to us. We would spend some time playing games, doing things they didn’t have access to in the small towns they were from. We would go out for one fancy dinner, when we had a house with a pool in the backyard, we spent most of Camp Grandma poolside. Each year we would get different colored T-shirts with the kids’ names on the back. It was always fun, no matter how many kids could attend. I think the record was 9 kids at a time. Yes, Grandma was one tired chick after that one.

Suddenly there was an explosion of kids, lots of grandkids, we are up to 18 now. Seems there might be a few more in our future. (wink, wink, hopefully) Slowly with everyone's busy schedules Camp Grandma ended. Also, have you ever tried to keep up with 5 eleven and twelve-year-old girls in one weekend??? I will tell you it’s overwhelming. Grandma needed a vacation after that one! 

Camp Grandma was always a great way to connect with our grandkids that lived at least a few hours away. We would still skype occasionally, one of our grandson’s called me TV drama. Unable to say his g’s he knew me as the grandma that was on the TV, that is how they viewed their skype. I have always been grateful for the technology; we would have had a difficult time staying connected with these kids without it. My grandparents were so important in my life, I wanted my grandkids to at least know who I was. I couldn’t offer the comforting lap, the delicious pancakes my grandmothers delivered, I needed to do something, and Skype offered that something. 

Now in this time of pandemic I feel like I need these little humans in my life more than ever. We have created Sunday story time, it started with Mark and I reading to the kids, now the kids are doing some of the reading. It is delightful to hear their squealing, excited to have some screen time maybe, but time to see their cousins, aunts and uncles and of course Grammy and Bumpa. These times are hard, we need to look for the silver lining, story time is just that. Just this morning I spent some time with Mataya, age 7 doing a zoom meeting as we explored the Minneapolis Institute of Art. We made a list of things we want to see when she comes to Grandma’s house next time. Hopefully, this summer. 

When times are tough, and these are tough times for us extroverts that are missing our families, we must find new things that bring us joy. We are in this together and on the other side of it hopefully we will have stronger families because of it. 

#findthejoy in everyday

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I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

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