March 11th is our day of infamy, the day my Dad took his last breath. On that Sunday
morning our family watched CBS Sunday morning together, after the final scene we
put on some music in the hospital room and within an hour Dad passed away. It was as all
deaths are, bittersweet. He was no longer in pain but we had lost our rock. The one who
was always there was not.
It’s a safe bet that we won’t stop remembering that Sunday morning as the day we let go.
Now we feel him and share the stories with our grand-kids. The love for him never fades.
On this Sunday morning, I did what I usually do, watched CBS Sunday morning, enjoyed
my coffee and remember my Dad. This Sunday morning, 11 years later, I shed a tear for
him as the last trumpet sounded on the show. I miss him. Everyday.
I never miss watching Sunday morning. And I always miss my Dad.