Today marks the end of the first quarter of 2018. Remember on January 1st and
through the first week of January how you planned your strategy to navigate through
2018. You had goals and dreams. Today as we close out the first quarter of the year
let’s reflect on how you have done.
Did you stick to the goals you set? Did are you disappointed in the results? Does
it really matter? The time is gone, we can’t go back to change it, to achieve our
goals of days past. But you know what you can do, you can move forward. You
can set new goals if that is what you makes you happy. Or maybe today you reflect
on the changes you did make, the days that delighted you, the memories you made,
the lives you touched and those that touched you.
Let’s wrap up the first quarter embracing life as it is. Let’s look back with fondness,
Let’s wrap up the first quarter embracing life as it is. Let’s look back with fondness,
but no regrets. As I often say, “It is what it is” Time to move on. What does quarter 2
look like for you. Take a minute to think about what it will take to have a good quarter
this quarter. How will you feel on June 30th. Sit for a minute and quietly think about
your future. What do you want to change, what CAN you change, what can you
spend 15 minutes a day on that will get you to that goal?
Today, on this last day of the first quarter and on this Easter weekend,
I wish you peace!