Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Relax to Recover?

For the second time this winter I am being slowed by a cold/sickness. I don’t like it.
I am typically pretty active, just sitting around waiting for this cold to go away is not
easy. As a matter of fact, I don’t know that I have been sitting around yet. I keep
announcing, I am going to then off I go to the next thing. What is it that trips in some
our brains that won’t let us relax? Why do we think it’s not ok, to recover mentally or

As I sit here pecking this out on my computer I am thinking about all of the things I
need to get done. I find myself drifting off to websites remembering I was going to
look something up. I think about the kitchen that needs some attention and wondering
if I should go for an easy workout today, swimming or just a walk on the treadmill. It is
not easy to be sick, does anyone have this same problem? Do you worry about that list
of things to do, the unanswered emails, the stack of clutter sitting in the other room?
The unfolded clothes?

Perhaps writing this blog post is the start of it, maybe staying in the moment is part of it,
realizing it is good for you to rejuvenate and recover. Whatever it takes, today I will work
on sitting. This is outside of my comfort zone, I have a few things I need to take of first,
sitting just won’t work if the kitchen is messy.

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I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

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