Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leap Day

This is the day that I wrap up my winter, officially. I believe March is the gateway to spring. This is my last, oh woe is me, I live in the cold day. No more bundling from this day forward. This doesn’t mean it won’t be cold, this just means the bitter sub zero temps should be gone until hopefully, hopefully December.  

In March the sun stays in the sky a few minutes longer. The high and low temps rise a bit. The birds start to come back. The birds coming back is a good sign. It’s as if they know just when it’s safe to start hanging out again. I am going to take a cue from the birds. It’s time to get outside again. 

I am calling my March my get down to business month. It’s the month I will hit my stride for the year. My intentions are to move forward with my 20 for 20 goals. I will complete my first road race of the year this month. I restarted a water color painting class to get my creative mojo going. I am sure there will be hiccups this month, but the intention is to stay on track. Seems I need an intention to make things happen.

Today is our bonus day. Leap day gets our calendar back in order. Let’s use it to get ourselves back on track. This is also a great day to think about the bonuses we have in our life, call them blessing, call them your joy. February 29th is the perfect time to count them, feel them and live them. I am using this day to say we survived another cold winter. So much to be thankful for, so much joy in our lives. 

Let's get to work, time to get focused and use March as the “spring” board to a successful and joy filled 2020!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...