Thursday, August 30, 2018

We can do the hard things.

This isn’t hard, getting up in the morning. Enjoying a cup of coffee and writing down a few thoughts. The hard part is following through with the work that needs to be done for plans and dreams I want to accomplish. The work that needs to be done to create the life I want, because I am sure I have plenty of things to do yet. The hard part for me is getting past the mental roadblocks that tell me I can’t do something. 

For many years I dreamed about doing a marathon, it seems impossible, I couldn’t even run 3 miles. How would I run 26.2. But that didn’t stop me from dreaming about it. I had people tell me it would be too hard, to much work. I told myself I was too slow, didn’t have enough time. Don’t have the “body” for a runner. So much negative talk, sadly I believed all of the negative. I didn’t allow myself to believe I could do it...until I started to do it. I started walking, then running between telephone poles until I didn’t have to stop. I started running further, a bit faster until I was running 10, 12 and 16 miles. And then I got injured and I stopped. Would I ever be able to finish a marathon? I had the desire but maybe my body was not cut out for it.

And then a voice in my head told me don’t stop! I recovered, starting again; I started by putting one foot in front of the other. I started running again, the mileage started adding up and 5 months later I finished a marathon. The dream had become a reality. I could do it, my body would take me over the 26.2 miles and frankly I don’t give a damn about how long it took me. I did it! And I completed 2 more in the coming years.

I really need to remember this when I am facing tough issues in my life. I need to remember that I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other, forget about the negative self-talk, the people who question why I would try such a thing. I need to kick the people out of my dreams that can’t help me make them happen.

It really doesn’t matter what it is. We can do the hard things when we put our minds to it, when we work hard to persevere. Go do it!

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

A Visit to China

My husband and I were invited to the wedding for a student we hosted that attended school at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. The wedding would be in China, sure we'll come.

What a great adventure that was. A few quick notes about the visit.
The wedding was wonderful, a lovely mixture of Chinese tradition with a mixture of the couples personalities and a bit of an American flare, including the music.

They asked Mark to give do American Vows for them. It was very special and touching, I was honored with presenting the rings to the couple.

The food in China is amazing! It is not like your local China buffet. Now I know what the Chinese students meant when they said the buffets were fake Chinese food.

If you need coffee, you might consider bringing some instant or another source of caffeine. We drank hot water at breakfast time. We did manage to find a couple of coffee shops, that was divine!

There are a lot of people in China. Beijing alone is 32 million people.

KFC is very popular.

Be prepared to squat. Google a public restroom in China. That is all on that.

The people work hard, often sweeping the streets with homemade brooms.

The airports take security very seriously. Don't bring a lighter.

The Great Wall...really GREAT.

The Forbidden City, a must see.

Children will point at you, people will ask to take selfies with you. Have fun with it.

The flight is long, but it's a great time to get caught up on some movies and books.

The Customs department in Seattle is the best ever!

Fresh vegetables are delicious for every meal, even breakfast!

Hot Pot, you have to try it.

The high speed train really does go 200 miles an hour.

Thanks Shelly and Michael for the great experience. It was great to see Brian for the weekend too. If you get the opportunity I suggest you take it. China is really a fantastic place to visit!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...