Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Alma Ingara "Grandma" Anderson

In early December my quiet sweet Grandmother would celebrate her birthday. When I think about this women it is hard for me to fathom what she faced in her lifetime. She was born before the turn of the century in 1898; the oldest of 4 children I believe. When I think back to this time it's hard to image what life might have been like on the cold prairie. I don't know if the details of her birth are available; I have don't know if she was born in the hospital or at home. I do know she helped take care of the other children when they were born; they moved often and she was not married until her late 30's to the neighbor boy Alfred Anderson. She had three daughters and lived well into her 90's. 

While Grandma Anderson lived on this earth cars and airplanes were introduced and became common place. Man walked on the moon and women were allowed to vote. She lived through World War 1 and World War 2; the Korean conflict and the Vietnam war. She never experienced the internet or a cell phone. Indoor plumbing was a convenience at midlife. 

The amazing thing about this silver haired woman was her attitude. My mother and her sisters may tell you different; but I never heard this woman raise her voice. She did not complain and always met you at the door with a smile. When spending the night you had sheets on the sofa and in the morning the smell of strong coffee and burnt toast filled the air. By the way the burnt toast was on purpose; and it was always scrapped. 

There are many people I have learned from in this life; my Grandma Anderson was one of the people. From her I could learn a bit more; sometimes it is good to be quiet. Delivering that cutting edge piece of humor can get you through many situations. A smile when you meet someone goes a long long way. When Grandma was in the nursing home and the bus was going for an outing she was quick to get on and ride. In life it is usually a good idea to get on the bus...a ride out and about rarely hurts anyone; you might even get a new perspective. And finally, if you burn the toast...scrape it off! 

Friday, December 5, 2014

A Little More HO HO HO and a Little Less Bah Humbug

Every year at the end of November the radio is changed to Christmas music in our house and car. Every year we hear the same songs for a month straight and every year it brings joy to this middle aged woman's heart.

I am not sure if it is the connection I feel to my childhood or the excitement that is felt in the air during the holiday season. It just seems easier to push out negativity when you are listening to Bing Cosby sing "I am Dreaming of a White Christmas."

Here's to a lovely December and a Happy Holiday Season. Maybe in 2015 we can remember to carry that spirit on into January.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Hope and the Game of Baseball

Yesterday the Minnesota Twins announced a deal with former player Torii Hunter. At age 39 a 10 million dollar deal seems like a bit much but this gives me; a die hard Twins fan hope.

At the beginning of every baseball season all teams start with a clean slate. At the beginning of every day we get a new set of hours to work with. In the world of baseball it doesn't matter what happened last year; the teams re-position with new coaches, new players and new ideas for the new season as soon as the old season ends. In life when we close one door we re-position ourselves to move on when we are forced to make changes; the end of a job, losing someone we love or moving to a new city. We have to work at re-inventing ourselves. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. We get a do-over.

So what does Torii Hunter being paid millions to play a game at age 39 have to do with this. As a Twins fan Torii brings us back to a time we had hope for the Twins; a time when diving catches and home runs were the norm. With the new coaching staff and Torii we have renewed hope in the 2015 baseball season. Someone believes that Torii can bring something to the game; maybe it will be fans through the gates or some excitement to the bench or the leader the team has been looking for; but someone in the organization believes in him to bring hope to the Minnesota Twins.

We can all take a little bit of our past and bring it forward into our lives for some hope in the new year. If Torii brings us a little joy in the upcoming season; maybe there is something from our past that we need to reconnect with; maybe an old friend this holiday season or a tradition you let go needs to be renewed; whatever it is we can all have hope for each new day because someone believes in us. Be the Torii Hunter in someone's life; show someone you are still willing to work hard and play everyday. OR be the Minnesota Twins and invest in someones future with a compliment today.

Baseball and life; there is always HOPE!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


No Complaints Day.

It's time to be grateful. Time to put aside the petty differences and complaints in life to breeze through a day with a grateful heart.

As the care flight helicopter flew overhead I realized I didn't really have anything to complain about. I am healthy and have a great family; there are a great group of friends not far away. Even the weather will not even get to me today.

So today is a day to be grateful... No Complaints today!!

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...