Sunday, February 6, 2011

A big day in Wisconsin

No matter what your feelings are about the Green Bay Packers, one can't help but get excited about the Super Bowl today. This is not my team, but the energy created by the Green and gold seen everywhere in Wisconsin is a bit infectious. Even the hamburger buns at Festival Foods are green and gold. I heard a woman in line at the store complain yesterday that this was too much. Other things were going on in the world besides the Super Bowl, she scoffed. This was just after I had dried the tears in the frozen food aisle. We had just put our beloved dog Carley down. Yes, there are other things going on in the world today. But just for one day lets enjoy the fun and excitement that a good football game can bring. Is there anything wrong with putting our troubles aside for gathering of friends and foes over a well planned Super Bowl Party. I think not!

So no matter your allegiance, settle in for an afternoon of carefree fun, with friends, family and food or with a good book if that is your desire, but for one day, let's put all of our cares aside. If you are not a fan of either of these teams, let's cheer that the NFL officials make good calls and that the commercials are especially entertaining!

I wish you all this carefree day!

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Dog!

How can such a little thing steal your heart and make it break when they come to the end their short little lives? Our little West Highland White Terrier has been sick, she spent last night in the Doggie Hospital. Today we will learn of her fate. It is difficult to explain the relationship built over nine years of having a dog get excited when you get your running shoes on thinking she was going to get to go for a walk. Nine years of barking at nothing, and nine years of having her snuggle with you when you fall asleep at night. Nine years of having to carry her at the end of the walk because she just didn't want to go anymore. It is a bitter pill to swallow when you learn you may lose them.
The only explanation I have is that they give us such joy when they greet us at the door with their wagging tails, unconditionally...they become more than an animal, they become our confidant, our source of heat and comfort when we are cold, they are our friends and it is difficult when we have to tell them goodbye. Today more than likely we will learn of the fate of our little Carley girl, whatever that is, she is will always be more than THE DOG.

I Just Don't Know What to Do! Written December 8th 2020- Posted When the sun is shining and Hope is in the air.

 When this pandemic started I thought, I got this! I can do this. We all did. We didn't think it would reach us. As the weeks and months...